When considering Human Resources outsourcing to India, an organisation needs to ask at the outset why it needs to change the way the Human Resources function operates at present. In other words, what aspects of the existing Human Resources provision are not satisfactory or would benefit from improvements? By probing these responses HR can then focus on the scale and type of changes that maybe required and these will help decide whether HR outsourcing might be an appropriate response.
There are a number of potential benefits and challenges in outsource to India.
When organisations put forward a business case for Human Resources outsourcing there are a number of potential benefits that many cite. In practice, these benefits are not necessarily mutually exclusive and a number of them could be achieved through some alternative solution rather than via outsourcing. Commonly mentioned benefits include:
From a practical point of view, there are also a number of potential pitfalls that it is useful to bear in mind when considering outsourcing. Some of the main ones are:
Don’t outsource what you don’t understand. The outsource provider will only have to subsequently solve the problem (at a cost) and the provider’s solution might not be most suitable from your organization’s perspective.
In addition, an outsourcing to India arrangement will often also include significant changes to Human Resources processes, in a few cases, including Human Resources self-service systems and or a formalized Human Resources call centre provision for staff and managers. It is therefore important to make sure that sufficient Human Resources leadership and expertise remains internally to manage these changes as well as providing on-going leadership and strategic direction. Being clear about who is accountable for solving problems during the transition is another important consideration is it the outsource provider or the outsourcing organisationfor when you outsource to India.
Outsourcing Human Resources to India...Read More
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