As any Search Engine Optimisation company will tell you, getting you site listed in the first ten results for a specific keyword is as much art as a science. Anyone can get to number 1 on a unique word or trade name, but on a generic key phrase, it's much trickier. Search engine optimising can be difficult and confusing, but once you are aware of the key optimisation techniques, time and persistence can yield a hugely gratifying reward if you get it right.
As Search Engine Optimisation (SEO's), we ensure that the relevant words and phrases appear in the best positions on the pages. There are many other considerations, complicated by the engines modifying their preferences on a monthly basis. We pay for access to a Wordtracker keyword database, which holds 301 million entries over the last 60 days. Using this information, we make sure that we are optimising the page in such a way that people will find it.
One of the most important elements to building an online marketing strategy around SEO and search rankings is feeling empathy for your audience. Once you grasp how the average searcher, and more specifically, your target market, uses search, you can more effectively reach and keep those users.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) usage has evolved over the years but the primary principles of conducting a search remain largely unchanged. Listed here are the steps that comprise most search processes:
When this process results in the satisfactory completion of a task, a positive experience is created, both with the search engine and the site providing the information or result. Since the inception of web search, the activity has grown to heights of great popularity, such that in December of 2005, the Pew Internet & American Life Project (PDF Study in Conjunction with ComScore) found that 90% of online men and 91% of online women used search engines. Of these, 42% of the men and 39% of the women reported using search engines every day and more than 85% of both groups say they “found the information they were looking for.”
An April 2010 study by comScore found:
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) your website for these keywords and phrases.
Build high quality links to your website from respected and relevant sites using your chosen keywords in the anchor text of the links.
Organic search is one of the biggest traffic generators on the Web and search is very popular. Make sure that you implement an effective keyword optimization strategy for your website in order to capture your share of the market. Search Engine Optimisation for your business website is a must and should not be neglected. Being listed in the top search engine results is critical to high visibility and generating targeted traffic to your website.