If your company or organization has an in-house or outsourced IT Help desk, chances are that some of your Help desk customers are dissatisfied with the service they are receiving. Some of the many possible causes of dissatisfaction with IT Help desks include:
The best way to assess IT Help desk customer satisfaction and IT Help desk performance is to conduct an IT customer satisfaction survey. An IT customer survey gathers IT customer / IT user perceptions, experiences and suggestions about IT Help desk performance, along with the performance of other IT services. The collective information and insight provided by IT customers provides IT Help desk and other IT managers with the ammunition they need to make changes to increase service levels and customer satisfaction.
Most organizations that conduct IT Help desk surveys conduct the surveys annually or semi-annually, using the same questions in every survey. Some organizations do a great job of taking action based on the survey results, while other organizations take minimal action. When we conduct IT Help desk surveys for our customer companies and other types of organizations, we provide them with trend reports that track progress in addressing problem areas and opportunities needing improvement. Help desk managers receive survey data that identifies areas of strength and weakness, where improvements have been made since previous surveys, and where Help desk customer satisfaction levels have decreased
Most IT Help desk customers respond to surveys with the expectation that their feedback will be taken into consideration and acted upon. When IT Help desk managers take action on survey results and Help desk performance and service levels are visibly improved, IT customers are more likely to respond to future surveys.
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